Test Series - computer fundamental

Test Number 55/95

Q: Examination of the program step by step is called ______________
A. Controlling
B. Tracing
C. Stepping
D. Testing
Solution: Debuggers perform the task of step by step examination of the code which is called stepping. They also perform tracing.
Q: The examination of changing values of variables is called stepping.
A. True
B. False
C. none
D. ..
Solution: The statement is false. It is called tracing. In tracing, the variables are examined wherever it value is changing.
Q: A freeware GNU Debugger is __________
Solution: GDB is a free GNU debugger which runs on most of the Unix-like platforms. It works for multiple programming languages. GNU is free software.
Q: Which of the following is written for getting help in GDB?
A. he
B. h
C. assist
D. assistant
Solution: In this h stands for help. h or help both commands can be used. Help lists all the commands.
Q: h command gives ___________
A. A list of all the commands starting from h
B. Describes all the commands
C. Displays a short description of the command
D. Displays all the programs
Solution: h command displays a short description of the command. If simply help is written it gives a list of all the commands.
Q: ___________ creates an inferior process that runs your program.
A. run
B. exit
C. execute
D. e
Solution: run or r command creates an inferior process that runs your program. If there are no errors the program will finish and results will be displayed accordingly.
Q: Which of the following does not affects the execution of the program?
A. Arguments
B. Environment
C. Control
D. I/o
Solution: Execution is affected by :
-> arguments
-> environment
-> Working directory
-> standard I/O.
Q: ‘set args ‘ without arguments can ___________
A. initialize all the arguments
B. remove all the arguments
C. no change
D. show all the arguments
Solution: set args command can remove all the arguments.
Syntax: set args arg1 arg2 …
If the arguments are not given it deletes all the arguments.
Q: Which is not involved in debugging?
A. Identifying
B. Isolating
C. Test
D. Fixing
Solution: Testing is a different process and is different from debugging. Debugging involves identifying, isolating and fixation of the problems or errors.
Q: run > outfile command is used to _________
A. direct output to the file outfile
B. jump to a file outfile
C. enter a file outfile
D. edit a file outfile
Solution: run > outfile directs the output to the file outfile. Certain commands like ‘ cd dir ‘ are used to change the working directory.

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